1 Samuel 1 - 2 and Psalm 138
We’ve just read about the redemption of a widow in Israel, a redemption that unexpectedly in a few generations will extend throughout the nation and transform the relationship between Yahweh and Israel. Today in 1 Samuel 1 – 2 we read of another salvation, this time of a sterile woman who by Yahweh’s grace will give birth to a son destined to prepare the way for this change. Silently, imperceptibly and unexpectedly, Yahweh is working through people like Boaz, Ruth, Naomi, Hannah and Elkanah to redeem His people from the spiral of spiritual degeneration in the book of Judges.
Today’s reading contrasts those two elements. Shortly after Hannah praises Yahweh and prophecies, “The LORD will judge the ends of the earth. He will give strength to his king and exalt the power of his anointed” (1 Samuel 2:10), the reading identifies some of the powerful who will be humbled: the corrupt priestly house of Eli.
In contrast with Hannah’s rejoicing in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Yahweh’s judgment thunders through His word sent through the anonymous prophet in 1 Samuel 2:27-36.
The news is clear. Yahweh’s devastating holiness will not tolerate sin like Eli tolerates it, reproving his sons by his word but without punishment, without banning them from their priestly responsibilities. And in evidence of Yahweh’s power and sovereignty, He is raising up an important part of the coming salvation right in the midst of the tabernacle that they have corrupted.
Today’s reading contrasts those two elements. Shortly after Hannah praises Yahweh and prophecies, “The LORD will judge the ends of the earth. He will give strength to his king and exalt the power of his anointed” (1 Samuel 2:10), the reading identifies some of the powerful who will be humbled: the corrupt priestly house of Eli.
In contrast with Hannah’s rejoicing in 1 Samuel 2:1-10, Yahweh’s judgment thunders through His word sent through the anonymous prophet in 1 Samuel 2:27-36.
The news is clear. Yahweh’s devastating holiness will not tolerate sin like Eli tolerates it, reproving his sons by his word but without punishment, without banning them from their priestly responsibilities. And in evidence of Yahweh’s power and sovereignty, He is raising up an important part of the coming salvation right in the midst of the tabernacle that they have corrupted.