Start today!
You don't have to wait until January 1st to begin reading the Bible. Start today with the calendar below and read the whole Bible in 365 days.
For the second part of the calendar, click here.
For the third part of the calendar, click here.
Click on the readings in blue to see their explanation, or visit the blog.
For the second part of the calendar, click here.
For the third part of the calendar, click here.
Click on the readings in blue to see their explanation, or visit the blog.
The First Unit of the Bible:
Creation, The Flood, and The Repopulation of the Earth
(Genesis 1 - 11)
Week 1, Day 1 - Read Genesis 1:1 - 2:3 and Psalm 104
Week 1, Day 2 - Read Genesis 2:4-25 and Psalm 8 Week 1, Day 3 - Read Genesis 3 - 5 Week 1, Day 4 - Read Genesis 6 - 8:4 and Psalm 93 Week 1, Day 5 - Genesis 8:5 - 11:32 and Psalm 119:89-96 |
The Second Unit of the Bible:
The Covenant with Abraham and His Descendants
(Genesis 12 - 50)
Week 1, Day 6 - Read Genesis 12 - 15 and Psalm 33
Week 1, Day 7 - Read Genesis 16 - 18:15 Week 2, Day 1 - Read Genesis 18:16 - 21:34 Week 2, Day 2 - Genesis 22 - 24 Week 2, Day 3 - Genesis 25 - 28 and Psalm 121 Week 2, Day 4 - Genesis 29 - 31 and Psalm 140 Week 2, Day 5 - Genesis 32 - 36 Week 2, Day 6 - Genesis 37 - 40 and Psalm 123 Week 2, Day 7 - Genesis 41 - 43 Week 3, Day 1 - Genesis 44 - 47 Week 3, Day 2 - Genesis 48 - 50 and Psalm 28 |
The Third Unit of the Bible:
Israel's Redemption (Exodus 1 - 18)
Week 3, Day 3 - Read Exodus 1 - 3 and Psalm 141
Week 3, Day 4 - Exodus 4 - 6:27 and Psalm 56 Week 3, Day 5 - Exodus 6:28 - 10:29 Week 3, Day 6 - Exodus 11 - 13 Week 3, Day 7 - Exodus 14 - 15:21 and Psalm 7 Week 4, Day 1 - Exodus 15:22 - 18:27 |
The Fourth Unit of the Bible:
The Mosaic Covenant (Exodus 19 - Numbers 10)
Week 4, Day 2 - Exodus 19 - 20:21
Week 4, Day 3 - Exodus 20:22 - 23:33 and Psalm 112 Week 4, Day 4 - Exodus 24 - 26 and Psalm 115 Week 4, Day 5 - Read Psalm 84 and Exodus 27 - 29 Week 4, Day 6 - Exodus 30 - 32 Week 4, Day 7 - Exodus 33 - 34 and Psalm 85 Week 5, Day 1 - Exodus 35 - 37 and Psalm 119:1-8 Week 5, Day 2 - Exodus 38 - 39 and Psalm 61 Week 5, Day 3 - Exodus 40 and Psalm 46 Week 5, Day 4 - Leviticus 1 - 3 and Psalm 100 Week 5, Day 5 - Leviticus 4 - 6:7 Week 5, Day 6 - Leviticus 6:8 - 7:38 Week 5, Day 7 - Leviticus 8 - 10 Week 6, Day 1 - Read Psalm 99 and Leviticus 11 - 12 Week 6, Day 2 - Leviticus 13 - 14 Week 6, Day 3 - Leviticus 15 - 16 and Psalm 130 Week 6, Day 4 - Leviticus 17 - 19 Week 6, Day 5 - Leviticus 20 - 22 and Psalm 134 Week 6, Day 6 - Leviticus 23 - 25 and Psalm 54 Week 6, Day 7 - Leviticus 26 - 27 and Psalm 65 Week 7, Day 1 - Numbers 1 - 4 Week 7, Day 2 - Numbers 5 - 7 Week 7, Day 3 - Numbers 8 - 10 and Psalm 119:105-112 |
The Fifth Unit of the Bible:
The Preparation and Entrance into the Promised Land
(Numbers 11 - Joshua 24)
The Sixth Unit of the Bible:
The Downward Spiral of Israel's Spirituality (Judges 1 - 21)
Week 11, Day 6 - Judges 1 - 3 and Psalm 78
Week 11, Day 7 - Judges 4 - 5 and Psalm 83 Week 12, Day 1 - Psalm 13 and Judges 6 - 8 Week 12, Day 2 - Judges 9 - 12 and Psalm 70 Week 12, Day 3 - Judges 13 - 16 and Psalm 119:57-64 Week 12, Day 4 - Judges 17 - 19 Week 12, Day 5 - Judges 20 - 21 and Psalm 106 |
The Seventh Unit of the Bible:
The Foundation and Glory of David's Royal House
(Ruth 1 - 1 Kings 10)
Week 12, Day 6 - Ruth 1 - 4 and Psalm 20
Week 12, Day 7 - 1 Samuel 1 - 2 and Psalm 138 Week 13, Day 1 - 1 Samuel 3 - 4 Week 13, Day 2 - 1 Samuel 5 - 8 Week 13, Day 3 - 1 Samuel 9 - 12 Week 13, Day 4 - 1 Samuel 13 - 15 Week 13, Day 5 - 1 Samuel 16 - 18 and Psalm 59 Week 13, Day 6 - 1 Samuel 19 - 22 and Psalm 52 Week 13, Day 7 - 1 Samuel 23 - 25 and Psalm 142 Week 14, Day 1 - 1 Samuel 26 - 28 and Psalm 5 Week 14, Day 2 - 1 Samuel 29 - 31 and Psalm 143 Week 14, Day 3 - 2 Samuel 1 - 4 Week 14, Day 4 - 2 Samuel 5 - 7 and Psalm 2 Week 14, Day 5 - Psalm 18 and 2 Samuel 8 - 10 Week 14, Day 6 - 2 Samuel 11 - 13 and Psalm 51 Week 14, Day 7 - 2 Samuel 14 - 16 and Psalm 3 Week 15, Day 1 - 2 Samuel 17 - 20 Week 15, Day 2 - 2 Samuel 21 - 24 Week 15, Day 3 - 1 Kings 1 - 3 and Psalm 25 Week 15, Day 4 - 1 Kings 4 - 5 and Psalm 72 Week 15, Day 5 - 1 Kings 6 - 7 and Psalm 48 Week 15, Day 6 - 1 Kings 8 and Psalm 144 Week 15, Day 7 - 1 Kings 9 - 10 and Psalm 122 |
The Eighth Unit of the Bible:
The Division of the Kingdom through the Exile
(1 Kings 11 - 2 Kings 25)
Week 16, Day 1 - 1 Kings 11 - 14
Week 16, Day 2 - 1 Kings 15 - 17 Week 16, Day 3 - 1 Kings 18 - 19 Week 16, Day 4 - 1 Kings 20 - 22 Week 16, Day 5 - 2 Kings 1 - 4 Week 16, Day 6 - 2 Kings 5 - 8:15 Week 16, Day 7 - 2 Kings 8:16 - 12:21 and Psalm 36 Week 17, Day 1 - 2 Kings 13 - 16 Week 17, Day 2 - 2 Kings 17 - 20 and Psalm 108 Week 17, Day 3 - 2 K. 21 - 23:27 and Psalm 119:169-176 Week 17, Day 4 - 2 Kings 23:28 - 25:30 and Psalm 53 |
The Ninth Unit of the Bible:
The History of Israel according to the Levites
(1 Chronicles 1 - 2 Chronicles 36)
Week 17, Day 5 - 1 Chronicles 1 - 4 and Psalm 105
Week 17, Day 6 - 1 Chronicles 5 - 8 and Psalm 107 Week 17, Day 7 - 1 Chronicles 9 - 12 Week 18, Day 1 - 1 Chronicles 13 - 17 Week 18, Day 2 - 1 Chronicles 18 - 20 and Psalm 60 Week 18, Day 3 - 1 Chronicles 21 - 22 and Psalm 118 Week 18, Day 4 - 1 Chronicles 23 - 26 and Psalm 150 Week 18, Day 5 - 1 Chronicles 27 - 29 and Psalm 132 Week 18, Day 6 - 2 Chronicles 1 - 5:1 Week 18, Day 7 - 2 Chronicles 5:2 - 7:22 and Psalm 97 Week 19, Day 1 - 2 Chronicles 8 - 10 and Psalm 125 Week 19, Day 2 - 2 Chronicles 11 - 13 Week 19, Day 3 - 2 Chronicles 14 - 16 Week 19, Day 4 - 2 Chronicles 17 - 19 Week 19, Day 5 - Psalm 92 and 2 Chronicles 20 - 23 Week 19, Day 6 - 2 Chronicles 24 - 27 Week 19, Day 7 - 2 Chr. 28 - 31 and Psalm 119:49-56 Week 20, Day 1 - 2 Chronicles 32 - 34 and Psalm 37 Week 20, Day 2 - 2 Chronicles 35 - 36 and Psalm 44 |
The Tenth Unit of the Bible:
After the Exile (Ezra 1 - Esther 10)
Week 20, Day 3 - Ezra 1 - 3
Week 20, Day 4 - Ezra 4 - 6 Week 20, Day 5 - Ezra 7 - 8 Week 20, Day 6 - Ezra 9 - 10 Week 20, Day 7 - Psalm 79 and Nehemiah 1 - 3 Week 21, Day 1 - Nehemiah 4 - 6 and Psalm 80 Week 21, Day 2 - Nehemiah 7 - 8 Week 21, Day 3 - Nehemiah 9 - 10 Week 21, Day 4 - Neh. 11 - 13 and Psalm 119:17-24 Week 21, Day 5 - Esther 1 - 4 Week 21, Day 6 - Esther 5 - 7 Week 21, Day 7 - Esther 8 - 10 and Psalm 34 |
"Thus says Cyrus king of Persia: The LORD, the God of heaven, has given me all the kingdoms of the earth, and he has charged me to build him a house at Jerusalem, which is in Judah. Whoever is among you of all his people, may his God be with him, and let him go up to Jerusalem, which is in Judah, and rebuild the house of the LORD." (Ezra 1:2-3)
To continue to the next part of the calendar, click here.