Numbers 22 - 24
In summary:
The Israelites' arrival to the edge of the Promised Land ignites not only a physical war but a spiritual one as well.
The Israelites' arrival to the edge of the Promised Land ignites not only a physical war but a spiritual one as well.
In more detail:
In today’s reading we have a fascinating change of perspective. Since Pharaoh’s words in the first chapters of Exodus and Jethro’s visit in Exodus 18, we have not seen a foreigner’s extended viewpoint of Israel. Almost all of our attention for the last month has focused on Israelite topics within Israel. Today we suddenly look at Israel from the outside for three chapters. And this reading teaches us that Yahweh is sovereign over the nations and completely committed to blessing Israel.
And since this reading occurs after so many on Israelite worship and laws, today’s reading gives us a fascinating perspective on the religions of Israel’s neighbors. Through
Balak’s attempts to curse Israel, we see a religion centered on human desires, one that tries to manipulate blessings and curses through magic. After reading so much about Yahweh’s holiness, we’re surprised to see the attempts to move a spiritual lever through magical words from a renowned spiritual man, through sacrifices offered in the correct geographical locations, through an insistence in getting what you want. From Balaam we’re surprised by religion for sale, a spiritual leader who wants to be manipulated by money and fame. Their religion is empty, useless and desperate in comparison with everything we’ve read about the tabernacle and a holy and living relationship with Yahweh. And that is exactly the lesson that the Israelites will need to remember through their generations.
In today’s reading we have a fascinating change of perspective. Since Pharaoh’s words in the first chapters of Exodus and Jethro’s visit in Exodus 18, we have not seen a foreigner’s extended viewpoint of Israel. Almost all of our attention for the last month has focused on Israelite topics within Israel. Today we suddenly look at Israel from the outside for three chapters. And this reading teaches us that Yahweh is sovereign over the nations and completely committed to blessing Israel.
And since this reading occurs after so many on Israelite worship and laws, today’s reading gives us a fascinating perspective on the religions of Israel’s neighbors. Through
Balak’s attempts to curse Israel, we see a religion centered on human desires, one that tries to manipulate blessings and curses through magic. After reading so much about Yahweh’s holiness, we’re surprised to see the attempts to move a spiritual lever through magical words from a renowned spiritual man, through sacrifices offered in the correct geographical locations, through an insistence in getting what you want. From Balaam we’re surprised by religion for sale, a spiritual leader who wants to be manipulated by money and fame. Their religion is empty, useless and desperate in comparison with everything we’ve read about the tabernacle and a holy and living relationship with Yahweh. And that is exactly the lesson that the Israelites will need to remember through their generations.