1 Samuel 3 - 4
One of the most scandalous events in our reading of the Bible up to this point must be the loss of the ark of the testimony. Who would have imagined that the ark, so holy that the high priest can enter the room where it is held only once a year and with blood for his own sins and the sins of the people, could fall into the hands of the Philistines? How can the throne of Yahweh’s Presence that defeated Jericho and overcame all its enemies in the conquest of the Promised Land leave behind 30,000 dead Israelites while it is carried into the enemy camp? It is so shocking that the event is mentioned five times in only 12 verses. It seems unbelievable.
But as we think more about it, isn’t the robbery that Eli’s sons committed regularly at the tabernacle before the Presence of the Lord more scandalous? (1 Samuel 2:13-16)
Doesn’t it seem more incredible that they converted the tabernacle into their private harem? (1 Samuel 2:22) Isn’t the judgment declared against the priestly house of Israel more shameful? (1 Samuel 2:27-36; 3:11-14) How could they have dared to blaspheme Yahweh’s holiness for so long? The loss of the ark is simply a reality made manifest: the house of Eli has despised Yahweh’s Presence. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas abandoned Him
much earlier than He abandoned them on the battlefield.
But Yahweh has not abandoned His people. Although His ark is in the hands of the
Philistines, He has given ample evidence that He is alive, not captive and in regular communication with His young prophet, Samuel. As if to protect the nation for the shock that was coming, He demonstrated clearly: “Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established as a prophet of the LORD” (1 Samuel 3:19-20).
It is scandalous and shameful when Yahweh’s judgment falls. May His people tremble before its appearance and repent of its sin while there is still time.
But as we think more about it, isn’t the robbery that Eli’s sons committed regularly at the tabernacle before the Presence of the Lord more scandalous? (1 Samuel 2:13-16)
Doesn’t it seem more incredible that they converted the tabernacle into their private harem? (1 Samuel 2:22) Isn’t the judgment declared against the priestly house of Israel more shameful? (1 Samuel 2:27-36; 3:11-14) How could they have dared to blaspheme Yahweh’s holiness for so long? The loss of the ark is simply a reality made manifest: the house of Eli has despised Yahweh’s Presence. Eli, Hophni and Phinehas abandoned Him
much earlier than He abandoned them on the battlefield.
But Yahweh has not abandoned His people. Although His ark is in the hands of the
Philistines, He has given ample evidence that He is alive, not captive and in regular communication with His young prophet, Samuel. As if to protect the nation for the shock that was coming, He demonstrated clearly: “Samuel grew, and the LORD was with him and let none of his words fall to the ground. And all Israel from Dan to Beersheba knew that Samuel was established as a prophet of the LORD” (1 Samuel 3:19-20).
It is scandalous and shameful when Yahweh’s judgment falls. May His people tremble before its appearance and repent of its sin while there is still time.