This year, I’ve divided the whole Bible into 20 units. I’ll make references to them in the blog as we read through the year.
For example, as we read the assigned readings from the calendar from January 1 – 5, I’ll note that these readings form the first unit of the Bible (Genesis 1 – 11). As you read these 11 chapters, notice the following:
1) The main events: The Creation, the Flood, the Repopulation of the Earth
2) Yahweh’s attributes that stand out: Sovereignty, Righteousness, Justice and Mercy
3) Yahweh’s main act: Salvation through judgment of a sinful world
4) Main participants: The Patriarchs of Humanity
5) The major reference to Jesus Christ and the Gospel: I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and her offspring; he shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel (Genesis 3:15).
6) Key point: Notice that all the main themes of the Bible such as: a) God’s righteousness, b) His creation of a holy, physical space to interact with human beings, c) our responsibility for our sin, d) the judgment of sin, e) the mercy of God in saving human beings by grace, f) God’s sovereignty over the nations, g) the future glory of Yahweh’s Chosen One through conflict with the enemy, and more, have their roots firmly anchored in Genesis 1 – 11. Everything begins here.
In the same way, I hope to keep us informed about the main points of the other 19 units of the Bible as we get to them. Lord willing, they’ll help us keep a view of the Bible as a whole as we throw ourselves into the details of the individual readings.
As time permits, I hope to post blog entries on the daily readings. That is a slow process; in 3 years I hope to have a teaching for every reading on every day. Please pray for this whole project so that we can continue to grow together in our knowledge, obedience and worship of the Lord.